Full Debate Library

This library contains the complete audio catalogue of all of Norm Geisler's recorded debates. These debates range from the existence of God, to the truth of Christianity, to the grounding of the inerrancy of scripture, and even to the relationship between church and state -- just to scratch the surface! 

Former professor of Dr. William Lane Craig, Norm was famous for his success in apologetic debates and for his debate style. It is easy to see why many intellectuals and lay people came to take Christianity more seriously after these debates with high-profile skeptics.

Debate Library

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    Norm Geisler Debate Library

    • Does God Exist? | Dr. William DeVries

    • Should Creationism be Taught in Public Schools (as Science)? | Fred Edwards & Dr. Steven Schafersman vs. Kerby Anderson & Dr. Norm Geisler | Part 1

    • Should Creationism be Taught in Public Schools (as Science)? | Fred Edwards & Dr. Steven Schafersman vs. Kerby Anderson & Dr. Norm Geisler | Part 2

    • Is the Bible Inerrant? | Berthold vs. Hyde vs. Geisler

    • Why do Bad Things Happen to Good People? | Rabbi Harold Kushner

    • Should Creation Science be Given Balanced Treatment with Evolution in the Classroom? | Dr. Philip Kitcher

    • Can the Existence of God be Proven Rationally? | Dr. Jonathan Saville

    • Sexual Morality: Relative or Absolute? | Prof. Ken Simonson

    • Is Christianity Credible? | Rev. Paul Beattie

    • Is Christianity Credible? | Dr. Michael Scriven | Part 1

    • Is Christianity Credible? | Dr. Michael Scriven | Part 2

    • Christianity vs. Humanism | Dr. K. Kolenda

    • Does the Bible have Errors? | Dr. Norman Beck | Part 1

    • Does the Bible have Errors? | Dr. Norman Beck | Part 2

    • Should Roe v. Wade be Reversed? | Prof. Neil Cogan & Charlotte Taft vs. Susie Holler & Dr. Norman Geisler | Part 1

    • Should Roe v. Wade be Reversed? | Prof. Neil Cogan & Charlotte Taft vs. Susie Holler & Dr. Norman Geisler | Part 2

    • Creation vs. Evolution | Dr. Miles Richardson | Part 1

    • Creation vs. Evolution | Dr. Miles Richardson | Part 2

    • Church and State: Separation, Integration, or Cooperation? | Dr. Buchanan

    • Secular Humanism vs. Christianity | Dr. Paul Kurtz

    • Is Christianity Rational? | Dr. Harvey Siegel | Part 1

    • Is Christianity Rational? | Dr. Harvey Siegel | Part 2

    • Christianity vs. Humanism | Dr. Delos McKown | Part 1

    • Christianity vs. Humanism | Dr. Delos McKown | Part 2

    • Process Theism vs. Classical Theism | Dr. John Cobb | Part 1

    • Process Theism vs. Classical Theism | Dr. John Cobb | Part 2

    • Creation vs. Evolution | Dr. Charles Wood | Part 1

    • Creation vs. Evolution | Dr. Charles Wood | Part 2

    • Unity vs. Christianity | Sarah Travis & Travis Wolfe vs. John Ankerberg & Norman Geisler

    • Is Operation Rescue Biblical or Unbiblical | Rev. Joseph Foreman | Informal

    • Are the Tactics of Operation Rescue Biblical | Randall Terry | Informal

Co-Founder, NGIM

Dr. Norman Geisler

The late Dr. Norman Geisler is known as the premiere apologist of the 20th century. He developed a three-tiered model that integrates apologetics, philosophy, and theology, and over a more than 60-year career in ministry he mentored and discipled many of today's top Christian leaders.

Dr. Norman Geisler is the author of The 12 Points That Prove Christianity Is True and over a hundred other books that have impacted the foundations of modern Christianity. In practical terms, Dr. Geisler was the first to see the value of using a classic two-step apologetic approach, as opposed to a purely evidentiary approach, to witness to a postmodern generation.

As a prominent member of the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy, his influence was crucial in building a foundation on which the church stood through the writing of the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy. He founded the International Society of Christian Apologetics and co-founded two seminaries: Southern Evangelical Seminary and Veritas Evangelical Seminary, now called Veritas International University. In 2015, Dr. Norman Geisler and his son David co-founded Norm Geisler International Ministries, and in 2018 they launched the ministry's discipleship arm, the Norm Geisler Institute.

Dr. Norman Geisler earned a B.A. in Philosophy from Wheaton College, a Master of Theology from Wheaton Graduate School, a Th.B. from William Tyndale College and a Ph.D. in Philosophy from Loyola University.