Course Description

The expanded collection of audio learning is now in your grasp! Years of study compiled into class lectures, debates, talks and more from the premiere apologist of the 20th century is here for you to listen to any time, anywhere. Enjoy listening to this master of apologetics, philosophy and theology as he breaks down the essentials of the faith to help you build a Christian foundation you can trust. Keep checking in as this collection is constantly growing with new resources!

This library currently includes: 

The 12 Points That Show Christianity Is True (A Step-by-Step Logical Framework for the Faith)

How We Got Our Bible 

Biblical Inerrancy

In-Depth Looks at the Books of the Bible (Jonah, Philippians, Colossians, Galatians, 1 John)

Essential Theology (Knowing God)

The Emergent Church (Essential Doctrines)

Thomism (Logic and Reality)

Theodicy (Problem of Evil)


Ethics (Government, Human Rights)

Ecclesiology (Church Leadership)

Higher Criticism (Advanced Reasoning)

Premillennial Dispensationalism (End Times)

and The Essential Christian Trainer!

"I decided if I was going to be able to witness for the Lord, I was going to have to study philosophy because that's where all the questions were and that's where all the answers were. So... I went to college for 20 years and after 20 years I felt that I was prepared to start to witness." - Dr. Norman Geisler, Norm Geisler: Not Qualified the movie

Now you can access an expanded collection of the knowledge it took Norm 20 years and more to learn through this audio library! 

Want to check out the FULL library? Visit Now!

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To support the restoration of top-level quality to all of these audio gems, visit the Norm Geisler Legacy Initiative. 




Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to your resource library!

    • How to access your resources

  • 2

    12 Points That Show Christianity is True

    • 12 Points 01

    • 12 Points 02

    • 12 Points 03

    • 12 Points 04

    • 12 Points 05

    • 12 Points 06

    • 12 Points 07

    • 12 Points 08

    • 12 Points 09

    • 12 Points 10

    • 12 Points 11

    • 12 Points 12

  • 3


    • 27 Bible - The Structure of the Bible

    • 28 Bible - The Nature of Inspiration

    • 29 Bible - Inspiration of OT

    • 30 Bible - Inspiration of NT

    • 31 Bible - Principles of Canonization

    • 32 Bible - Canonization of OT

    • 33 Bible - Canonization of NT

    • 34 Bible - OT Manuscripts

    • 35 Bible - NT Manuscripts

    • 36 Bible - The Debate about the Correct Bible Text

    • 37 Bible - Bible Translations - Which is Best

    • 38 Bible - Interpreting the Bible

    • Symbols In the book of Revelation 1a

    • Symbols In the book of Revelation 1b

    • Is the Bible the Word of God unedited

    • NG-IsTheBibleGodsWord-1

    • NG-IsTheBibleGodsWord-2

    • 3 Ways to Attack the Authority of the Bible unedited 1st recording

    • 3 Ways to Attack the Authority of the Bible unedited 2nd recording

    • A-HigherCrit-1

    • EvidenceOfInspiration-2

    • How We Got the Bible unedited

    • HowWeGotOurBible-1

    • HowWeGotOurBible-2

    • EvidenceOfInspiration-1

    • Bible How to Understand It unedited

    • Bible Is Anything Missing unedited 1st recording

    • Bible Is Anything Missing unedited 2nd recording

    • Inerrancy What Difference Does It Make unedited

    • BasisForInerrancy-1

    • BasisForInerrancy-2

    • Current Crisis in Inerrancy unedited

    • Inerrancy and Anitisupernaturalism unedited

    • Answering Objections to Inerrancy unedited

    • Reasons for the Drift from Inerrancy unedited

    • Basis for the Inerrancy of the Bible unedited

    • Evidence for the Inspiration of the Bible unedited

    • Alleged Errors in the Bible unedited Recording 1

    • Alleged Errors in the Bible unedited Recording 2

    • Redaction Criticism and Evangelicals unedited

    • Is the Bible Inerrant unedited 1st recording

    • Is the Bible Inerrant unedited 2nd recording

  • 4

    1 John

    • 1 John 1 unedited

    • 1 John 2 unedited

    • 1 John 3 unedited

    • 1 John 4 unedited

    • 1 John 5 unedited

  • 5


    • Jonah 1 unedited

    • Jonah 2 unedited

    • Jonah 3 unedited

    • Jonah 4 unedited 1st recording

  • 6


    • Colossians 1 unedited

    • Colossians 2 unedited Labeled Colossians 1

    • Colossians 3 unedited

    • Colossians 4 unedited

  • 7


    • 1-ChurchLeadership-Apostles

    • 2-ChurchLeadership-Pastors

    • 03-ChurchLeadership-Elders

    • 3-ChurchLeadership-Elders

    • 4-ChurchLeadership-Deacons

    • 4NG-ChurchLeadership-Deacons

    • 5-ChurchLeadership

    • 5NG-ChurchLeadership

    • WomenInTheChurch-2

    • WomenInTheChurch-1

  • 8

    Premill Dispensationalism

    • Premillenialism-1

    • Premillenialism-2

    • Premillenialism-3

    • Premillenialism-4

    • ThePreTribulationRapture-1

    • ThePreTribulationRapture-2

    • WhoIsBringingInTheKingdom-1

    • WhoIsBringingInTheKingdom-2

    • TheImportanceOfDispensationalism-1

    • TheImportanceOfDispensationalism-2

  • 9


    • Can We Legislate Morality unedited

    • Absolutes, Absolutely

    • Moral Absolutes

    • Capital Punishment

    • Civil Disobedience

    • War

    • Infanticide & Euthanasia

    • Abortion

    • Christian and Revolution unedited 2nd recording

    • Christian and Civil Disobedience unedited

    • Are There Absolutes 1st recording unedited

    • Are There Absolutes 2nd recording different tape deck unedited

    • Christian Social Responsibility Part 1 unedited

    • Christian Social Responsibility Part 2 unedited

    • ChristianSocialResponsibility4

    • ChristianSocialResponsibility2

    • ChristianSocialResponsibility3

    • ChristianSocialResponsibility1

    • Ethics and the Big Issues unedited 3nd recording

    • Ethics and the Big Issues unedited 2nd recording

    • Ethics and the Big Issues unedited 1st recording

    • Christian View of Pleasure unedited

  • 10


    • If God Why Evil pt 1

    • If God Why Evil pt 2

    • Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People unedited

    • What About Evil unedited

    • Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People unedited 2nd recording

    • God and the Problem of Evil Part 2 unedited 1st recording

    • God and the Problem of Evil Part 2 unedited 2nd recording

    • God and the Problem of Evil, Part 3 unedited

    • God and the Problem of Evil Part 4 unedited

  • 11

    Higher Criticism

    • C-HigherCrit-3

    • G-HigherCrit-7

    • F-HigherCrit-6

    • H-HigherCrit-8

    • E-HigherCrit-5

    • D-HigherCrit-4

    • M-HigherCrit-13

    • J-HigherCrit-10

    • K-HigherCrit-11

    • L-HigherCrit-12

    • Q-HigherCrit-17

    • O-HigherCrit-15

    • N-HigherCrit-14

    • I-HigherCrit-9

    • P-HigherCrit-16

    • ViewsFromHistory-HigherCriticism-B

    • B-HigherCrit-2

    • AnAnswerToHumesSupernaturalism-2

    • A-HigherCrit-1

    • ModernThought-Spinoza

    • ViewsFromHistory-HigherCriticism-A

    • ModernThought-Spinoza-B

    • AnAnswerToHumesSupernaturalism-1

  • 12


    • Life and Writings of St Thomas Aquinas unedited 1st recording

    • Life and Writings of St Thomas Aquinas unedited 2nd recording

    • Thomas Aquinas on the First Principles of Thought Part 2 unedited

    • The Role of Faith and Reason in Aquinas

    • Thomas Aquinas Faith and Reason 1 of 3

    • Thomas Aquinas Faith and Reason 2 of 3

    • Thomas Aquinas Faith and Reason 3 of 3

    • Apologetic System of Thomas Aquinas Faith & Reason Part 1 unedited

    • Apologetic System of Thomas Aquinas - Faith & Reason Part 3 unedited

    • ThomasAquinasFirstPrinciplesOfThought-1A

    • ThomasAquinasFirstPrinciplesOfThought-1B

    • Analogy-1

    • Analogy-2

    • Realism-vs-Skepticism

    • PresuppositionalismFideismSkepticism

    • TheoriesOfTruthAndCorrespondence

    • Defense of the Correspondence Theory of Truth unedited

    • Tests for Truth unedited

    • Tests for Truth Part 1 unedited

    • CorrespondenceTheoryOfTruth-1

    • CorrespondenceTheoryOfTruth-2

    • ThomisticEpistemology-1

    • ThomisticEpistemology-2

    • ThomisticEpistemology-3

    • ThomisticEpistemology-4

    • Thomistic Epistemology Part 1 unedited

    • Thomistic Epistemology Part 2 unedited

    • Christian View of Existentialism unedited

    • Norman Geisler Logic & Reality unedited

    • Norman Geisler Logic and Reality forward direction unedited

    • Norman Geisler Logic and Reality reverse direction unedited

    • Thomas Aquinas on God's Relation to the World An Answer to Process Theology unedited

  • 13

    Essential Christian Trainer

    • If God, Why Evil

    • Can man live by bread alone

    • Rise of the Cults & Response of the Church

    • Are there moral absolutes

  • 14

    Essential Theology

    • 01 Theology - Essential Doctrines of the Faith

    • 02 Theology - Human Depravity

    • 03 Theology - Mary's Virginity

    • 04 Theology - Christ's Deity

    • 05 Theology - Christ's Humanity

    • 06 Theology - God's Unity

    • 07 Theology - God's Triunity

    • 08 Theology - God's Grace

    • 09 Theology - The Necessity of Faith

    • 10 Theology - Christ's Atoning Death

    • 11 Theology - Christ's Bodily Ressurection

    • 12 Theology - Christ's Bodily Ascension

    • 13 Theology - Christ's Present Session

    • 14 Theology - Christ's Bodily Return

    • WhatWeBelieve01

    • WhatWeBelieve=01b

    • WhatWeBelieve1c

    • WhatWeBelieve2b)

    • WhatWeBelieve2c

    • WhatWeBelieve2d

    • WhatWeBelieve_03b

    • WhatWeBelieve_03

    • WhatWeBelieve_04

  • 15

    Pantheism and the New Age

    • Pantheism The Smothering Embrace unedited

    • Pantheism-TheSmotheringEmbrace-1

    • Pantheism-TheSmotheringEmbrace-2

    • Answering Pantheism unedited

    • Basic Teachings of the New Age Movement unedited

    • Influences of the New Age Movement on Society unedited 2nd recording

    • Religion of Star Wars unedited blank reverse side

    • Gospel from Outer Space unedited

    • Reincarnation or Resurrection unedited

    • Does the Bible Teach Reincarnation unedited-T

    • Christ of the New Age Movement unedited

    • Answering Arguments for Reincarnation unedited

    • Reasons for Rejecting Reincarnation unedited-T

    • Background of the New Age Movement unedited

    • Influences of the New Age Movement on Christianity unedited

    • Christian Response to the New Age Movement unedited

  • 16

    The Emergent Church

    • 1 - Exposing the Emerging Church

    • 2 - Are there moral absolutes

    • 3 - What is truth

    • 4- Pillars of the Christian Faith

    • 5 - Essential Christian Doctrines

  • 17


    • What Humanists Think About the Bible

    • Influences of Humanism on Christianity unedited

    • Influences of Humanism on Christianity unedited 2nd recording

    • What the Bible Thinks about Humanism unedited

    • How Humanism Took Over American unedited

    • What Can I do about Humanism unedited

Co-Founder, NGIM

Dr. Norman Geisler

The late Dr. Norman Geisler is known as the premiere apologist of the 20th century. He developed a three-tiered model that integrates apologetics, philosophy, and theology, and over a more than 60-year career in ministry he mentored and discipled many of today's top Christian leaders.

Dr. Norman Geisler is the author of The 12 Points That Prove Christianity Is True and over a hundred other books that have impacted the foundations of modern Christianity. In practical terms, Dr. Geisler was the first to see the value of using a classic two-step apologetic approach, as opposed to a purely evidentiary approach, to witness to a postmodern generation.

As a prominent member of the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy, his influence was crucial in building a foundation on which the church stood through the writing of the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy. He founded the International Society of Christian Apologetics and co-founded two seminaries: Southern Evangelical Seminary and Veritas Evangelical Seminary, now called Veritas International University. In 2015, Dr. Norman Geisler and his son David co-founded Norm Geisler International Ministries, and in 2018 they launched the ministry's discipleship arm, the Norm Geisler Institute.

Dr. Norman Geisler earned a B.A. in Philosophy from Wheaton College, a Master of Theology from Wheaton Graduate School, a Th.B. from William Tyndale College and a Ph.D. in Philosophy from Loyola University.